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Wearing a dress over pants is one of those things fashion girls do that I used to feel like I could never pull off. But it’s actually a styling trick that’s relatively easy to wear. It also happens to be very practical. Layering a dress over pants looks chic, keeps your legs warmer than tights (minus the risk of runs), gives dresses that cool tomboy contrast, and extends your wardrobe by essentially turning a dress into a top or jacket.
While I know it feels like this trend is probably one of those scary trends only fashion editors should try, but this styling trick actually has staying power. I would argue people have been doing a variation of the look for decades, and if you hit the right proportions, it’s easy. Not to mention, it’s a simple way to cover my bum or a food baby or baby bump. The key to making a dress over pants work is sticking to tailored silhouettes—a shift dress over tailored trousers, or an A-line skirt over skinnies. You don’t want to look bulky or lumpy. From there, you basically treat the shirt like a dress and just pull on your pants.
Still, sound confusing? I find a picture is worth a thousand words, so I just like to copy these cool examples of how to wear a dress over pants when I’m feeling the look. And if you want to tiptoe into it, try a sweater dress or shirt dress over leggings with boots or cute flats.
Sources: https://www.closetfulofclothes.com/how-to-wear-a-dress-over-pants/
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